About SQLite

SQLite is an open source database : link.
How to use SQLite Module
Import SQLite module into your project
Add the needed dependencies into your pom.xml
org.ddbstoolkit.toolkit.modules.datastore.sqlite ddbstoolkit-sqlite 1.0.0-beta2 compile
Create your data model
You need to create your data classes with the following requirements :
- For non distributed data: your classes need to implement IEntity
- For distributed data: your classes need to extend DistributedEntity
Primary keys are indicated with the @Id annotation.
Example for distributed Actor and Film data
public class Actor extends DistributedEntity { @Id @EntityName(name="actor_id") private Integer actorId; @EntityName(name="actor_name") private String actorName; @EntityName(name="film_id") private Integer filmId; public Integer getActorId() { return actorId; } public void setActorId(Integer actorId) { this.actorId = actorId; } public String getActorName() { return actorName; } public void setActorName(String actorName) { this.actorName = actorName; } public Integer getFilmId() { return filmId; } public void setFilmId(Integer filmId) { this.filmId = filmId; } }
public class Film extends DistributedEntity { @Id @EntityName(name="film_id") private Integer filmID; @EntityName(name="film_name") private String filmName; private Actor[] actors; public Integer getFilmID() { return filmID; } public void setFilmID(Integer filmID) { this.filmID = filmID; } public String getFilmName() { return filmName; } public void setFilmName(String filmName) { this.filmName = filmName; } public Actor[] getActors() { return actors; } public void setActors(Actor[] actors) { this.actors = actors; } }
Instantiate your SQLite module
SQLiteConnector sqliteConnector = new SQLiteConnector("/pathToTheDatabase/", "databaseFile.db"); DistributableEntityManager manager = new DistributedSQLiteTableManager(sqliteConnector);
SQLite module actions
Add an element
manager.open(); Actor anActor = new Actor(); anActor.setActorName("Steven"); manager.add(anActor); manager.close();
Update an element
manager.open(); Actor anActor = new Actor(); anActor.setActorId(3); anActor.setActorName("Steven"); manager.update(anActor); manager.close();
Delete an element
manager.open(); Actor anActor = new Actor(); anActor.setActorId(3); manager.delete(anActor); manager.close();
Read an element
manager.open(); Actor anActor = new Actor(); anActor.setActorId(3); anActor = manager.read(anActor); manager.close();
Read last added element
manager.open(); Actor anActor = manager.readLastElement(new Actor()); manager.close();
List elements
manager.open(); //List all films Listfilms = manager.listAll(new Film(), null, null); //List all films ordered by film_ID films = manager.listAll(new Film(), null, OrderBy.get("filmId", OrderByType.ASC)); List conditions = new ArrayList<>(); conditions.add("film_name LIKE 'S%'"); //List all films who starts with 'S' films = manager.listAll(new Film(), conditions, null); //Same thing with Conditions Conditions conditionLike = Conditions.createConditions().add( Conditions.like("filmName", "S%")); List results = manager.listAll(new Film(),conditionLike, null); manager.close();
Load elements linked to an entity
manager.open(); Film lastFilmAdded = manager.readLastElement(new Actor()); //List actors of a movie ordered by actor_id field lastFilmAdded = manager.loadArray(lastFilmAdded, "actors", OrderBy.get("actorId", OrderByType.ASC)); manager.close();
Execute transactions
manager.open(); //Start a new transaction DDBSTransaction transactionAddCommit = new DDBSTransaction("myTransaction"); Actor anActor = new Actor(); anActor.setActorName("Steven"); transactionAddCommit.add(filmToAdd); //Execute the transaction manager.executeTransaction(transactionAddCommit); //Commit the transaction manager.commit(transactionAddCommit); //Rollback the transaction manager.rollback(transactionAddCommit); manager.close();